Buscot House Gardens

Buscot Park and Gardens, near Lechlade

To enjoy Buscot Park to the full, you should take time to explore the extensive gardens that surround this late 18th century house.

Location - Buscot Park Gardens are situated in outstanding countryside near Lechlade on the edge of the Cotswolds and near to the River Thames.

History of Buscot Park Gardens - Buscot House was built around 1780 in a neo classical  Italian style. The grounds comprised woodland walks, 3 ornamental lakes and pleasure grounds.  

What to see in Buscot Park Gardens 

  • 4 Seasons Walled Garden - To the west, mellow red brick walls shelter a garden for all seasons ( 4 Seasons Garden ), spring bulbs, flowering trees, climbing roses and drifts of multi coloured day lilies as well as fruit and interplanted with vegetables.
  • Double herbaceous borders- with brilliant displays of roses, delphiniums and other perennials.
  • Water Garden - To the east, woodland walks lead to one of England's finest water gardens designed by Harold Peto and installed in 1904, an unusual marriage of Italian formality in an English landscape. Canals with bridges and pools lead you down to a large lake.
  • Faux Fall - by David Harber. A contemporary water cascade  leading down to the 4 Seasons Garden.
  • Lake - There are 3 ornamental lakes, the largest one being at the end of Peto's water garden. One of the lakes is set aside for anglers.
  • Swinging Rose Garden - In semi shade amongst the woodland walks is a beautiful white garden with swing chairs where you can rest a while.
  • The historic house is also well worth visiting with a notable art collection, so make sure you visit when it is open.

Buscot Park is a favourite of the Editor!  

Buscot House and Gardens - opening times click here
Opening Times - see latest information by visiting website.
Where can we stay near Buscot Park?
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  • Telephone: 01367 240786
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  • Street: Buscot Park
  • Postcode: SN7 8BU
  • City: Faringdon
  • County: Oxfordshire
  • Country: United Kingdom


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