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Bluebells Woods near me, Walks and Gardens near me


Amazing Bluebell Woods and displays of bluebells near me and you in England Scotland and Wales

Common Bluebells - Around 70% of Common Bluebells are found in the British Isles and there is probably nowhere better to see them. The flowers are stunning shades of blue with drooping 'trumpet' like flowers, and heavily scented. They are a protected species and should not be picked. One of our favourite places to see them is at Westonbirt Arboretum, Gloucestershire, in Silk Wood there are massive drifts along trails and paths.

We list gardens, walks and woods on our guide where you can see them and a few other places not on our guide which are worth visiting. From around 1 May depending on location.

If you know somewhere really special let us know and we will add it to the list.

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