Kedlestone Hall Gardens

Kedleston Hall & Gardens, near Derby

These pleasure grounds at Kedleston Hall, National Trust, were created by Lord Scarsdale with designs and buildings by Robert Adam. There are fine trees, shrubs, azaleas and rhododendrons, roses, and good autumn tints.

Between 1922 and 1924 some of the grounds and gardens at Kedlestone Hall were redesigned with help from Edward Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll. Today the present plantings give an 18th century feel, with buildings and monuments including an Orangery.
There are fine trees, shrubs, azaleas and rhododendrons, roses, and good autumn tints.
The stunning house with Robert Adam's interiors is also open and a must see. It also houses Lord Curzon's Eastern museum with many objects from his time as Viceroy of India.
There is a 3.5 mile walk which gives extensive views.

Kedlestone House - Film, TV and Drama Location including:-

  • The Legend of Tarzan 2016
  • The Duchess 2008
  • Jane Eyre 2006
  • Women in Love 1969
  • War and Peace 1972

Kedleston Hall Park and Grounds Opening Times - see latest information by visiting website.
Restaurant, shop, disabled access.


  • Telephone: 01332 842191
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Street: Kedleston Hall
  • Postcode: DE22 5JH
  • City: Derby
  • County: Derbyshire


If you want to take a break, why not stay in one of our recommended hotels. Hotels near Keddleston Hall

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