Advertise on Great British Gardens

Reach thousands of Garden Lovers with your products, services and accommodation for a modest fee.
You can now advertise your products and services on Great British Gardens.

Statistics :
Our website guide attracts up to 50,000 visitors and 130,000 page views a month.

Social Media
Facebook -    
100,000 followers and highest engagement per post than any other gardening website.
Facebook Group - 30,000 members
Instagram -
130,000 followers, growing by approx 5,000 a month

Advertising rates -  

Side Banners: 250 by 250px jpg - Home Page / County Pages - Desktop only
All pages on desktop, approx. 600 - £500 monthly.
County page of your choice £30 monthly - minimum 6 months.



County Pages - at top of county pages. Smartphones and desktops.
Banner 520 by 150 px jpg.
£50 per month - minimum period 3 months. Gardens and Garden Centres only.



Garden Directory - choice of Directory and Shop or Garden Centres and Plant Nurseries
Banners 250 by 125px jpg - Desktops only
£30 monthly - minimum 6 months



Hotels and Bed and Breakfast
List your property on a garden or garden pages of your choice. £20 monthly minimum period 1 year.

For details please email [email protected] or telephone 01666 825390